We use art to engage communities around Puerto Rico and the diaspora, and we are thrilled to use this energy to bring joy and celebrate the amazing achievements of the various communities on the island. One project, Fiesta Centinela, was a huge success: in collaboration with the Ana Dalila Burgos Foundation, we aided in the revitalization of an abandoned school in Orocovis and its ongoing transformation into a cultural center, and we invited talented artists from all over Puerto Rico to join us in the mountains to celebrate this endeavor. We are passionate about engaging with communities through various artistic disciplines and celebrating their goals and achievements.

At Arte y Maña, we believe that art can be a powerful tool for creating positive change in communities. Through one of our programs, Creativity and Community, we developed a curriculum that teaches students how to use different artistic disciplines to address challenges within a variety of communities in Puerto Rico. By instilling confidence and trust between students and communities, we are empowering the next generation of leaders and change-makers to think outside the box and use art to impact the communities they call home. The ongoing link between Arte y Maña and university students from Puerto Rico, the United States, and beyond is a testament to the power of art to create a bridge between artists and their communities.

Para Volvernos a Ver was an installation that provided a space for visitors to process their feelings of grief and loss. In collaboration with la Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades, we created a forest of butterflies as a beautiful tribute to our loved ones who have passed away. Through music, puppetry, and imagery, visitors could transform some of their pain into a "living" memory and find a few moments of relief.